[These classes are taught on behalf of ISAA to fulfill part of
ISAA's mission statement, which intends to spread awareness on Iran. If you do not enroll, you are still welcome to attend class sessions as each will be announced as an ISAA event through this listserve.]
Decal #1
ABCs of Iran: 26 Years of RevolutionPS 98/198,
2 Units, P/NP
Time: Monday 6-8
Room: 110 Barrows
Course Description: An introduction to contemporary Iranian politics, this course will examine Iran's political history for the last 25years, with reflection on the coup d'etat of Prime Minister Mossadeq,the Pahlavi regime, the Iranian Revolution, the Iran-Iraq War, and more. Special emphasis will be paid to the revolution and where it has taken Iran until now. Documentaries, films, guest lectures, anddiscussions will be integral to the class. This is the fourth semester that this course is being offered.
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Gregor
Course Coordinators:
Hoda Fahimi (
Enrollment Info: Class begins on Monday September 12, 2004, the third week of semester. To get the CCN please come to the first class session.
Decal websiteDecal #2
Rumi, Sufism & IslamIAS 98/198,
2 Units, P/NP
Time: Tue 6:00-7:30
Room: 123 Wheeler
Course Description: Molana Jalaluddin Mohammd Rumi is one of the most famous Persian poets in the world. In this class we will study his life andthe environment that surrounded him. We will also examine Rumi’s worksand his teachings especially the book of Mathnawi.
Course Coordinator:
Enrollment Info: Class has already begun. To add the class please contact the course coordinator.
Decal website