Sunday, February 26, 2006

ISAA's 4th Backgammon Tournament Results

Earlier today ISAA held it's 4th Backgammon Tournament. It was a competitive affair with 9 contenders who gave it their all. When the dust settled, the top 3 were:
1st place: Hamid Assadi
2nd place: Babak Amirebrahimi
3rd place: Omid Etesami
Thanks to everyone who took part and made the event a great time. Pictures are now available online. There are full-size and small (640x480) versions available.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a nice tournament, but you know, the first one should be Babak Amirebrahimi. I have read about him hmmm, i think here
this guy was really nice in this tournament.