Monday, January 25, 2010

"Classical Persian Music and Despotism;" A talk by Mohsen Namjoo

Iranian Student Alliance in America – ISAA” in partnership with Berkeley Lecture Series” Present:

A Talk by Mohsen Namjoo, The Sensational Iranian Singer, Songwriter

Topic: "Classical Persian Music and Despotism"

“Mohsen Namjoo plays the setar, a traditional Persian lute, and is a master of classical Persian literature and poetry. But the sounds he draws from the instrument, along with his deep voice and his playful but subtly cutting lyrics about growing up in an Islamic state, have made Mohsen Namjoo the most controversial, and certainly the most daring, figure in Persian music today.” New York Times

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010
4:00 P.M.
Place: 2040
Valley Life SciencesBuilding

University of California, Berkeley

Lecture in Persian

Facebook event page:

For more information, please refer to Berkeley Lecture Series site: