"Berkeley Lecture Series" in partnership with
"Iranian Student Alliance in America-ISAA"
About Mohsen Namjoo: Hailed as "the Bob Dylan of Iran " by the New York Times, Mohsen Namjoo is a visionary artist who speaks for and touches the souls of today's youth. Seamlessly blending the Classical with the Modern, the Eastern with the Western, the ancient with the current. A Non-conformist who not only takes on the centuries old traditions of Persian music, but also his own approach to composition, style and sound. Namjoo in "A Minor" showcases his mastery as a vocalist, composer and Setar player with a full ensemble band of talented artists to create a truly unparalleled musical experience for those who think "World Music Is Not Enough"!
*Lecture will be in Persian.
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Berkeley Lecture Series will be teach with the partnership of Iranian Student Alliance In America in European institutes. IT Exams King
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